Air Conditioning
As an Air Conditioning Contractor, the products we supply and install include the full range of units that are available including wall mounted units, ceiling mounted units, ducted hideaway units, and rooftop package units. These units vary in size and capacity depending on the specific application. When selecting your Air Conditioning Contractor, Envirotherm would welcome the opportunity to discuss your requirements with you and provide you with a free no-obligation quotation.
As an Air Conditioning Supplier, the brands we supply include Daikin, Samsung, Panasonic, York, Carrier and Ecoaire. Envirotherm only supplies the brands that have a long history in South Africa ensuring both Envirotherm and our clients that there will be technical back-up and spare parts should they be required in the future. It is critical to ensure that your Air Conditioning Supplier can service and maintain the equipment that you purchase in the years to come.
It is always advisable to remember, that the air conditioning system that you purchase is only as good as the Air Conditioning Installation is. It does not matter if you purchase the best unit on the market only to have it installed by an inexperienced installer. The Air Conditioning Installation is not as simple as it may seem as it includes mechanical, electrical, refrigeration and plumbing skills. Envirotherm takes great pride in every Air Conditioning Installation ensuring that it is correctly installed guaranteeing our clients long term satisfaction.
We are aware of the various factors that are included in Air Conditioning Sales. These factors include, consultation with architects, builders and other contractors to ensure that the equipment is accommodated in the design and construction of the home or building, heat load calculations and equipment selection, aesthetics, economic factors, and ensuring that our clients fully understand what they are purchasing and how the finished product will look and perform. Our Air Conditioning Sales representative will gladly meet with you to discuss your specific Air Conditioning Installation.